Chicago’s E15 Consumer Choice Ordinance
Chicago’s E15 Consumer Choice Ordinance
The ethanol problems we are facing for all of our engines
Boat U.S. the nation’s largest organization of private boat owners, is urging powerboat owners in the Chicago area to speak out against Chicago’s E15 Consumer Choice Ordinance 02014-5037, according to a press release from the organization. If passed on Monday, Dec. 8, when the proposal will come before the Chicago City Council at 10 a.m., all City of Chicago gas stations will be required to offer E15 fuel or gasoline containing ethanol to all consumers.
According to the release, “Most boat owners refuel their trailerable boat at roadside gas stations and BoatU.S. believes the current pump labeling requirements are inadequate. These boaters can easily mis-fuel their boat at the proposed E15 pumps as tow vehicles and boats on trailers are often filled from the same fuel nozzle.
“The corrosive nature of higher blends of ethanol also puts more boaters at risk for damages to hoses, gaskets and seals that keep engines running safely. If passed, the legislation may also force stations with limited gas pump selections to replace their current E10 dispensing selection with E15 to meet the mandate.”
Boat U.S. is urging boat owners and anyone else in the Chicago area who is concerned with the issue to urge their Alderman (click here) to vote “No” on Chicago’s E15 Consumer Choice Ordinance 02014-5037.